Attracting fresh graduates is not necessarily good or bad. Employees may be young andexperienced much as they could lack professionalexperience. In case they are experienced, thereis no issue. One may evensay that fresh from school is not always bad. However, one does notalways need fresh personnel without quizzes professional experience. Why they come in big numbers is also interesting. C. Besides, In order that this data about University Great Pyramid, result of his private campaign of 4 a long time investigations and examine studies and investigations, be diagnosed by students of diverse sciences, Laboy organized three presentation videos, about 45 mins each, and uploaded them in youtube. com where all interested; Egyptology scholars, Universities, journals, students, or University world Press, could view, download and review them as they wishes. The video shows are: Modern Evaluation of University Great Pyramid: Part I, Part II and Part III. They show University entire geometric procedure exam design University dimensionless plan of University model pyramid, and an ample and specific evaluation, section by part, between his calculated dimensions, and those that have been measured at University Great Pyramid’s structure. His two Report books, accessible for those interested, are defined in this site.